Acciones, ETFs
El rosarino
Mensajes: 2377
Registrado: Lun Ene 08, 2007 2:54 pm

Re: GLD Oro (ETF)

Mensajepor El rosarino » Dom Dic 06, 2009 9:33 pm

Para que los fundamentalistas del oro tomen conciencia de lo mal que le estan haciendo a la humanidad. O estan de un lado o del otro. Aca la cantindad no juega.

Grandísimos depósitos de oro, plata y otros minerales han sido encontrados bajos los glaciares. Para llegar hasta ellos será necesario quebrar y destruir los glaciares -algo nunca concebido en la historia del mundo- y hacer 2 grandísimos huecos, cada uno tan grande como una montaña, uno para la extracción y otro para el deshecho de la mina.

El proyecto se llama PASCUA LAMA. La compañía se llama Barrick Gold. La operación esta siendo planeada por una multinacional de la cual es miembro George Bush padre…

El gobierno Chileno ha aprobado el proyecto para que empiece este año. La Única razón por la cual no ha empezado aún, es porque los campesinos han obtenido un aplazamiento.

Si destruyen los glaciares, no solamente destruirán la fuente de un agua especialmente pura, pero contaminarán permanentemente los 2 ríos de tal forma que nunca volverán a ser aptos para consumo por humanos o animales debido al uso de cianuro y ácido sulfúrico en el proceso de extracción.

Hasta el último gramo de oro será enviado a la multinacional en el extranjero y ni uno le quedará a la gente a quien le pertenece esta tierra .

A ellos solo les quedará el agua envenenada y las enfermedades consiguientes. Los campesinos llevan bastante tiempo peleando por su tierra, pero no han podido recurrir a la TV por una prohibición del Ministerio del Interior.

Su única esperanza para frenar este proyecto es obtener ayuda de la justicia Internacional.

El mundo debe enterarse de lo que esta pasando en Chile … El lugar por donde empezar a cambiar el mundo es nuestro lugar.

Circula este mensaje entre tus amigos de esta forma:

Por favor copie este texto y péguenlo a un mensaje nuevo, añadiendo su firma y enviándolo a todas las personas en su archivo de direcciones, con copia oculta (CCO).

No a la mina abierta Pascua Lama en la cordillera andina sobre la Frontera entre Chile-Argentina .

Pedimos al gobierno Chileno que no autorice el proyecto Pascua Lama para proteger la totalidad de 2 glaciares, la pureza del agua de los valles de San Félix y El Tránsito, la calidad de la tierra cultivable en la Región de

Atacama y la calidad de vida de la gente afectada de la Región.

La respuesta de BARRICK GOLD: ... nguageId=1

Barrick responds to Pascua-Lama Chain Email

June 2006

We have received a number of emails regarding a chain letter questioning the Company’s Pascua-Lama project in Chile. We believe that it is important that you have factual information about our operations, projects and activities. Contrary to the misleading and inaccurate statements contained in the email letter, there are facts that we believe you should be aware of.

Most importantly, the completely inaccurate assertion is made that “Under the glaciers has been found a huge deposit of gold….it would be necessary to break, to destroy the glaciers…” This is simply not the case: 95% of the orebody is NOT under glaciers/ice fields. Protection of the remaining 5% is a key condition of the Chilean authorities’ approval of the project.

About Pascua-Lama

The Pascua-Lama project is the first bi-national mining project in the world. The deposit is located on the border between Chile and Argentina. The Mining Integration Treaty between both countries and a specific protocol signed for Pascua-Lama provides the framework for its development.

Approval of Environmental Impact Study

After an extensive and rigorous review including public consultations, the project’s environmental impact study was approved by Chilean authorities in February 2006. The detailed examination and scrutiny occurred over 14 months and included independent experts and validation of technical data submitted to the authorities. In addition to prescribed public consultations, Barrick voluntarily participated in additional public dialogues and meetings.

The approval of the project in Chile (Resolution - RCA 024/2006) lists more than 400 conditions which Barrick must meet to be able to build and operate the Pascua-Lama Project, including very stringent commitments and controls for the protection of glaciers/ice fields and water resources.

Protecting Water Quality

Barrick´s commitment is that there will be no significant impact on the water users in the valley, either in terms of quality or quantity. Barrick´s confidence in this commitment to the residents of the Huasco Valley is based on more than five years of measured water quality and quantity data in the project area. The system, as designed, will minimize the amount of runoff water coming in contact with mining operations. Multiple barriers of passive and active protection will be used to ensure that any surface or ground water that does come in contact with mining operations is captured and stored for treatment and subsequently completely reused in the mine operations. There are no planned operational discharges to the environment and there is sufficient capacity in the system to provide protection downstream of the project even in extreme runoff events during the life of the mine and after closure. Moreover, the anticipated closure requirements are being built into the project at the beginning of construction.

Additionally, the project will include a comprehensive water quality monitoring and management program, including 30 automated points from which data will be readily available in real time to the authorities and the public and subject to regular independent verification. The quality of water leaving Barrick property, some 15 km upstream of the nearest settlement, will be inspected, controlled and independently audited to comply with legal water quality standards. The expanded number of monitoring points is a direct result of community consultation and dialogue with stakeholders.

Extensive Citizen Participation

Barrick has conducted extensive public participation programs in the communities in Chile and in Argentina - both during the formal processes established by law and also as part of voluntary initiatives. These have included public meetings, door-to-door visits and the distribution of information to keep the community informed of our plans and activities.

Community Relations and Sustainable Development

We are proactively involving the communities in sustainable development initiatives notwithstanding the fact that the project has not yet begun construction. We have initiated a number of social development programs which include significant investments in health, education and skills development training - the latter being part of our commitment to maximize local employment. We also have local supplier development programs in place which will contribute to the development of local capacity and the realization of economic benefits in the region.

Once construction activity is initiated, we will be investing significantly in sustainable development projects to be determined by and based on the priorities of the local communities. In fact, Barrick has committed to make an unprecedented contribution to enhance the distribution, efficiency, and quality of the water resources for all users by working together with the board of water users of the Huasco Valley in Chile and the authorities and irrigators in San Juan Province in Argentina.

The Pascua-Lama Project represents significant and sustainable social and economic benefits to the communities closest to it on both sides of the border. The economic benefits include:

* 5,500 jobs during the construction stage (2006-2009) and 1,660 in the estimated 20 years of operations. Barrick is committed to working with local employees, and in the last year, more than 3,500 people from the Huasco Valley have participated in training activities to acquire skills and knowledge to work on the Pascua-Lama project or other projects in the region;
* A significant component of the estimated US$2.3-2.4 billion capital investment would be directly invested in the Huasco province in Chile and San Juan province in Argentina;
* Consistent with the company’s policy of sourcing local goods and services, Barrick has identified more than 600 potential suppliers from Chile’s Region III; and
* Sustainable development projects have been and will continue to be a priority for funding to the tune of millions of dollars focused in the areas of education, health, infrastructure and agricultural improvement

Misleading Assertions and Facts

The chain letter makes some very misleading characterizations and inaccurate statements. Here are a few examples:

Statement: “water in Chile runs from 2 rivers, fed by 2 glaciers.”
Fact: The Huasco Valley has more than 50 different glaciers and ice fields. The three smaller glaciers or ice fields that are adjacent to the orebody comprise only 0.3% of the potential water resources in the Valley if they were to be destroyed, which was never to be the case.

Statement: “…there is no unemployment...”
Fact: Contrary to this statement, unemployment levels in Region III are among the highest in Chile – the most recent statistics according to the Chilean Statistics Agency reveal rates in the valley in question to be approximately 18%. The mayors representing the four municipalities and most of the community leaders in the Huasco Valley have vocally expressed their support of Pascua-Lama indicating that they believe Barrick will conduct an environmentally responsible project and the generation of economic benefits are needed for the long term sustainable development of the region.

As an illustration of the lack of employment opportunities, Barrick has received over 50,000 applications for jobs. Chileans in the Region III and Argentineans from San Juan are looking for meaningful employment opportunities and the ability to support their families. Human beings deserve the opportunity to make a decent livelihood.

Statement: “Under the glaciers has been found a huge deposit of gold….it would be necessary to break, to destroy the glaciers…”
Fact: Contrary to the fundamental premise of the email chain letter, the orebody is NOT under glaciers. This is simply not the case: 95% of the orebody is NOT under glaciers/ice fields. Protection of the remaining 5% is a key condition of the Chilean authorities’ approval of the project.

Statement: “The operation is planned by a multi-national company, one of whose members is George Bush, Sr.”
Fact: Mr. Bush served in an honorary capacity as an advisor to Barrick’s International Advisory Board for two years in the mid 1990’s. Mr. Bush was neither a director nor officer of the Company.

Statement: “If they destroy the glaciers, they will not just destroy the source of especially pure water, but they will permanently contaminate the 2 rivers…”
Fact: To underline its confidence in its operations and commitment to responsible mining practices, Barrick has committed that should the water quality change, it would immediately stop the project. In addition to the multiple barriers of protection built into the design, the Company has a comprehensive water quality monitoring and management program, which will include 30 automated points from which data will be readily available in real time for authorities and the public. This program will be subject to regular independent verification. The expanded number of monitoring points is a direct result of community consultation and dialogue with stakeholders.

Statement: “Every last gram of gold will go abroad…and not one will be left with the people…”
Fact: There will be substantial economic benefits that include 5,500 direct jobs during construction, 1,660 jobs during the two decades of operation, and the indirect job creation and tax revenues generated that will flow back to the communities. In addition, there will be substantial investment in infrastructure, the development of hundreds of local suppliers of goods and services and the implementation of sustainable development programs.

Statement: “The farmers…have been forbidden to make a TV appeal by a ban from the Ministry of the Interior”
Fact: The Water Users Cooperative, representing 2,000 farmers of the Huasco Valley, is fully supportive of the project. Chile is a democratic country and the media play an important role in the public discussion of the community concerns and interests. There has already been an extensive and open discussion of issues including the participation of farmers.

Barrick is committed to high standards and to meaningful dialogue with stakeholders for the long term interests of the areas in which we operate and the sustainability of the environment and communities affected by our operations. We hope this information provides you with some additional perspective on our project. We are very proud of the work we are doing and of the extensive support we have for this initiative at the local and regional level.


Re: GLD Oro (ETF)

Mensajepor murddock » Sab Dic 05, 2009 2:33 pm

pablobachur escribió: El repentino fortalecimiento del dólar en que se justifica?

De que rebote hablas?? Si el Dolar Index esta en un claro movimiento congestivo hace 2 meses..Cuando rebote el Greenback quedate tranquilo que te vas a dar cuenta. Porque correra sangre en los mercados.

Asique la Burbuja es el Dolar?? Y el mercado de Equities que es entonces con P/E estratosfericos?? :)

Mensajes: 751
Registrado: Lun Feb 26, 2007 10:15 pm

Re: GLD Oro (ETF)

Mensajepor reymidas » Sab Dic 05, 2009 1:34 pm

aquellos que quieran analizar al oro deben tambien leer el COT y lo que estàn haciendo los participantes porque se pierde mucha información técnica.
Lo que se está viendo es un proceso de short covering y justo en un momento especial para el oro.
La "excusa del mercado" para justificar suba de tasas es absurda. los mercados son manipulados con operaciones de prensa.
Del informe del COT del viernes se desprende que hay cobertura de algunas posiciones vendidas ( altamente concentradas)
La monetización de la deuda continúa. El mercado castigó cuando olió subas de tasas para el 2010.
Obama anunció que no va a haber estímulos porque "no tienen plata". ( Tal vez cuando caiga aun mas el mercado decidan volver a la carga).

Esto es una pausa alcista. El oro se veía técnicamente sobrecomprado como comentábamos hace unos días aquí. "caro para el corto , barato para el largo".

Bancos centrales saldrán a aprovechar esta caída en los precios y comprar masivamente.

Enero 2010 promete ser un mes turbulento.

Una suba del 86% del metal plata en 1 año requiere una pausa. No es señal de alarma. La alarma es el falseo es el accionar de Obama que conduce a USA al colapso total.

La crisis de Dubai demostró que manos grandes adoran estas pequeñas correcciones.

Posiblemente se pueda reatacar los 1200 cuando se acerquen vencimientos. No se puede juzgar por 2 o 3 días lo que ocurre.
Los técnicos van a pedir una semana de cierre por arriba de la línea de la mm50 del dólar index para posicionarse.

La bolsa subió de manera falsa producto de devaluaciones y estímulos. El mas mínimo olor a suba de tasas la va a ser colapsar, ya que está carísima ( y sube con tasas negativas).

El dólar continuará las bajas inevitablemente en el 2010. Rumores para enero 2010 de fuertes devaluaciones circulan la red.

Se ampliará en próxima edición, la última del año.


Re: GLD Oro (ETF)

Mensajepor murddock » Sab Dic 05, 2009 11:40 am

brujitavaron escribió:Murdook dejame darle continuidad a tu razonamiento porques es muy razonable, supongamos que el activo que se hace cajeta es el gold, sabemos la correlacion que ha traido en esta crisis la evolucion del dolar con el equity, las materias primas y los metales. Si el dolar comienza una trepada, tenes un nuevo inicio de un bear market generalizado que ahogaria antes de que arranque la recuperacion de la economia. Que pasaria con las tasas en ese escenario? subirian? y la economia amreciana como reaccionaria frente a una subida del dolar ?
Para pensarlo no es que yo lo sepa pero no veo el oro destruyensdose en este escenario, lo que no significa que tenga una correccion importante por delante

Todavia no estoy convencido de que porque el Dolar empieze a recuperar, reanudemos si o si el Bear market en todos los mercados aludidos. No tiene sentido adelantarse tanto, pero por lo menos una fuerte correccion creo es mas que merecida. El tema es si realmente deciden soltarle la mano al mercado tan "manipulado". Pero creo que el viernes no fue un dia mas. Algunas cosas grandes se vieron y bastante interesantes que son por lo menos para estar muy atentos a las proximas ruedas, sobre todo con el ORO y el Greenback a ver si hay confirmacion.


Re: GLD Oro (ETF)

Mensajepor murddock » Sab Dic 05, 2009 11:15 am

21ale21 escribió:Nunca se gana en la euforia..........

:bebe: :bebe: :bebe:

Ni tampoco dando en la depresion.

Ami hay algo que me sigue llamando la atencion y es que toda esta suba de 20% del GLD que hizo en 2 meses se vio con un Dolar Index apenas metiendo un min. marginal que me juego a que fue un Bear Trap. Si se fijan desde Octubre el UUP ya estaba debajo de 23. Es decir el Oro subio 20% pero con el Dolar casi planchado. Fijense que desde Octubre lo que hace el Greenback es congestivo mas que impulsivo.
Entonces algo va tener que reacomodarse. Algun mercado se va hacer cajeta, el tema es cual. Si es piso y super piso del UUP deberia ser el mercado de equity y quizas tb de materias primas y metales tb.


Mensajes: 952
Registrado: Dom Sep 10, 2006 11:10 am

Re: GLD Oro (ETF)

Mensajepor 21ale21 » Vie Dic 04, 2009 11:43 pm

Nunca se gana en la euforia..........

:bebe: :bebe: :bebe:

El rosarino
Mensajes: 2377
Registrado: Lun Ene 08, 2007 2:54 pm

Re: GLD Oro (ETF)

Mensajepor El rosarino » Vie Dic 04, 2009 11:42 pm

Que paliza como repartieron por aca!!

Brujita era eperable una baja del 4% con el volumen que metio???? :shock: Yo no me la esperaba!! Es mas, miraba con envidia la suba del oro, y decia que bolu como no entre en 1020 cuando rompio triangulo... ya se me habia ido el tren asi que lo deje pasar... ahora tengo la duda... cuanto espero que corrija para entrar? O se termino la "mentira", que, con todo respeto, me parece el oro como inversion? Mucho marketing le veo a este metal, y a la plata. Y el unico soporte es la especulacion con la gran emision de monedas y toda la bola, que siempre estuvo presente en toda la historia...y que no justifica tremenda suba... no se, no confio en ningun analista que recomienda el oro como inversion. Me parece que pecan de ingenuos.. El oro es para especualcion.

Muy buena la nota NANITO. Recomiendo ver el grafico de la galeria de imagenes (no lo digo por la foto de la cronista).

Cria me hiciste cagar de risa

Mensajes: 952
Registrado: Dom Sep 10, 2006 11:10 am

Re: GLD Oro (ETF)

Mensajepor 21ale21 » Vie Dic 04, 2009 11:31 pm

brujitavaron escribió:Paso lo que tenia que pasar no deberia sorprender a nadie y menos los que leen el foro donde se viene diciendo , espero que ningun lector de este foro haya entrado a este activo esta semana o la anterior buscando el tan fogoneado objetivo 1.300 y si asi fue que sepa que entro en maximos y eso significa que ahora hay que esperar mas de la cuenta o salirse a perdida

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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