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Mensajes: 35
Registrado: Vie Mar 01, 2024 10:02 am


Mensajepor Alkele » Sab Abr 20, 2024 11:53 am

Pizza_birra_bolsa escribió: Hermoso negocio del kirchnerismo y una deuda millonaria para EL PUEBLO ARGENTINO, aunque se salde la deuda con el 51% (menos de la mitad, dudo no vayan más), habrán regalado otros 5 mil millones que pagaron a repsol. Osea nos quedamos in nada y quemamos 5 mil palos verdes y minimo otros 5 mil que quedaríamos a deber.... :golpe: :golpe: :golpe: MAS VENDE PATRIA QUE LOS K NO EXISTE, todavia hay varios termos que escriben defendiendo el modelo!!!

El error es pensar que solo fueron los K. Porque la grieta lo que hace es imponer un juego de buenos y malos que no existen. Del caso YPF comieron Menem, Cavallo, Eskenasi, Bancos Itau, SANTANDER, etc, Kirchner, Galuccio, Vista, Macri, Burford, Roca, y el negocio no termina acá.
Los K lo que hicieron fue direccionar el negocio en favor de sus intereses mediante testas de turno. Lo mismo que hicieron de algún modo u otro todos los de la lista. Los 16mil palos son una anécdota. Estamos frente a otro redireccionamiento del negocio. Yo, atento a mi conveniencia. Si es mejor o peor el Mercado dirá

Mensajes: 2040
Registrado: Sab Ago 06, 2022 11:19 pm


Mensajepor Pizza_birra_bolsa » Sab Abr 20, 2024 11:12 am

El Calificador escribió: Si quiere el 51% de las acciones para saldar la deuda de 16.000 te está diciendo que toda vale 32.000 palos, por bolsa vale 7.600 lleva más!!! :mrgreen:

Hermoso negocio del kirchnerismo y una deuda millonaria para EL PUEBLO ARGENTINO, aunque se salde la deuda con el 51% (menos de la mitad, dudo no vayan más), habrán regalado otros 5 mil millones que pagaron a repsol. Osea nos quedamos in nada y quemamos 5 mil palos verdes y minimo otros 5 mil que quedaríamos a deber.... :golpe: :golpe: :golpe: MAS VENDE PATRIA QUE LOS K NO EXISTE, todavia hay varios termos que escriben defendiendo el modelo!!!

Mensajes: 1066
Registrado: Dom Sep 12, 2021 11:12 pm


Mensajepor Rataparda » Vie Abr 19, 2024 11:49 pm

X regla de 3 me da u$80 x papel!



El Calificador escribió: Si quiere el 51% de las acciones para saldar la deuda de 16.000 te está diciendo que toda vale 32.000 palos, por bolsa vale 7.600 lleva más!!! :mrgreen:

El Calificador
Mensajes: 17692
Registrado: Lun Nov 16, 2020 2:10 pm


Mensajepor El Calificador » Vie Abr 19, 2024 8:38 pm

Rataparda escribió: Cómo creen que lo tomaría el mercado si pasa esto?? Así no sea que le saque el 51%, con que le saque al estado un % ya pierde el control sobre la compañía.

Suena a una forma extraña de privatización sin pasar x el congreso, que les parece?

Si quiere el 51% de las acciones para saldar la deuda de 16.000 te está diciendo que toda vale 32.000 palos, por bolsa vale 7.600 lleva más!!! :mrgreen:

Mensajes: 755
Registrado: Jue Dic 28, 2023 5:43 pm


Mensajepor alfaro » Vie Abr 19, 2024 8:24 pm

La unica :abajo: del panel lider pero casi nada y bueno veremos en otro momento que sucede

Mensajes: 1066
Registrado: Dom Sep 12, 2021 11:12 pm


Mensajepor Rataparda » Vie Abr 19, 2024 8:14 pm

Cómo creen que lo tomaría el mercado si pasa esto?? Así no sea que le saque el 51%, con que le saque al estado un % ya pierde el control sobre la compañía.

Suena a una forma extraña de privatización sin pasar x el congreso, que les parece?

mamerto escribió: Burford pidió que el Estado le traspase YPF para saldar su deuda de US$ 16.100 millones
https://www.clarin.com/economia/burford ... JfUs8.html

Mensajes: 377
Registrado: Sab Dic 05, 2020 8:28 pm


Mensajepor mamerto » Vie Abr 19, 2024 6:58 pm

Burford pidió que el Estado le traspase YPF para saldar su deuda de US$ 16.100 millones
https://www.clarin.com/economia/burford ... JfUs8.html

Mensajes: 1557
Registrado: Jue Jun 25, 2020 11:22 am


Mensajepor Cohiue » Vie Abr 19, 2024 6:30 pm

elmonye escribió: Absolutamente....de hecho los que las tenemos afuera ya pudimos votar desde hoy.

y asi lo hice en fecha de hoy antes de mi post

El Calificador
Mensajes: 17692
Registrado: Lun Nov 16, 2020 2:10 pm


Mensajepor El Calificador » Vie Abr 19, 2024 6:22 pm

falerito777 escribió: no ejercieron nada. la 2240.

Algun planillero entonces o algún idiota, de ahí no sale.

Mensajes: 26
Registrado: Mié Jun 10, 2020 12:57 pm


Mensajepor elmonye » Vie Abr 19, 2024 5:52 pm

Cohiue escribió: y el ultimo punto es tan vergonzoso como lo ocurrido en el Senado de la Nación, sugiero a minoristas votarlo en contra

Item 16. Determination of advance compensation to be received by the members of the Board of Directors
and the members of the Supervisory Committee for the fiscal year that began on January 1, 2024.
The Board of Directors proposes to the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company to approve the payment of advanced
compensation to directors and members of the Supervisory Committee for fiscal year 2024 for up to an amount of
$10,189,823,464. To such effect, the remunerations corresponding to positions to be filled in the Board of Directors
and the respective Committees, special commissions and technical and administrative functions were taken into
account, as well as the inclusion of the CEO’s remuneration and the projections aimed at maintaining the Company’s
market position.

Absolutamente....de hecho los que las tenemos afuera ya pudimos votar desde hoy.

Mensajes: 1557
Registrado: Jue Jun 25, 2020 11:22 am


Mensajepor Cohiue » Vie Abr 19, 2024 5:06 pm

elmonye escribió: De todas maneras creo que Punto 4 es el mas interesante para nosotros:

The Board of Directors proposes to the Shareholders´ Meeting of the Company:

Item 4. Consideration of the accumulated results as of December 31, 2023. Absorption of losses. Constitution
of voluntary reserves.

To place on record that, according to the Company's individual financial statements as of December 31,
2023, the net loss for fiscal year 2023 amounted $1,561,217 million and the accumulated losses
(unallocated results) as of December 31, 2023, amounted $1,003,419 million, which include losses for
fiscal year 2023 of $1,561,217 million, balances restricted for distribution of results of $12,040 million
and translation differences for fiscal year 2023 of $545,758 million. According to the accounting policy
set forth in Section 12.c) of Article 3, Chapter III, Title IV of the CNV rules, translation differences
accumulated for fiscal year 2023 in the account "Other Comprehensive Income" were assigned to each
of the equity items originating such differences, as described in Note 2.b.10.) to the consolidated
financial statements, therefore, it was necessary to appropriate the amount of $3,518,449 million
corresponding to the translation differences for fiscal year 2023 from the account "Other Comprehensive
Income" to the increase in the reserve for future dividends ($142,371 million), the investment reserve
($3,354,050 million) and the reserve for the acquisition of the Company's own shares ($22,028 million).
As of December 31, 2023, the Company's total shareholders' equity is positive and amounts to
$7,221,500 million, and the Company is not subject to the provisions of Article 206 or Article 94
paragraph 5 of the General Corporations Law N°19.550 (“LGS”).

According to item 11 of paragraphs c) and e) of Article 3, Chapter III, Title IV of the CNV rules, it was
informed under a note to the Company's Financial Statements that as of December 31, 2023, there is a
restriction to the distribution of retained earnings for an amount of $56,487 million, which is comprised
of: (i) treasury shares held in portfolio, as long as the treasury shares acquired by the Company are held
in treasury for an amount equivalent to the acquisition cost of treasury shares for an amount of $5,635
million; (ii) share trading premium of the Company's own shares, where the balance of the "Share
Trading Premium" account was negative, for the negative balance of such account of $387 million; and
(iii) the appropriate conversion differences of $50,465 million.

To propose to the Shareholders´ Meeting, after deducting the amounts whose distribution is restricted in
accordance with the above-mentioned paragraph, i.e. the amount of $56,487 million, the following:
To fully release the reserve for future dividends, the reserve for the purchase of own shares, and the
reserve for investments.

To absorb the accumulated losses in the unallocated results, up to $1,003,419 million against the
amounts corresponding to released reserves.
To allocate the amount of $28,745 million to constitute a reserve for the purchase of own shares, in order
to grant the Board of Directors the possibility to purchase the Company’s own shares at the time it deems
appropriate for their allocation to share-based benefit plans (in accordance with articles 64 and 67 of
Documento: YPF-Público
Documento: YPF-Público
Law No. 26,831). Please refer to “Board of Directors Compensation Policy, Bonuses and Incentive
Plans” of our Annual Report.
(iv) To allocate the amount of $3,418,972 million to constitute a reserve for investments in accordance with
the third paragraph of article 70 of the General Corporations Law No. 19,550.

To allocate the amount of $3,418,972 million to constitute a reserve for investments in accordance with
the third paragraph of article 70 of the General Corporations Law No. 19,550.
To inform that, in accordance with the provisions of article 70 of the General Corporations Law N° 19,550,
at least 5% of liquid and realized gains resulting from the fiscal year should be allocated to the Legal reserve
until such reserve reaches 20% of the capital, which was accomplished in fiscal year ended December 31,
2009. Also, pursuant to Section 12.c) of Article 3, Chapter III, Title IV of the CNV rules, it is informed that
due to the accumulated conversion differences associated with the capital stock and capital adjustment, it
was necessary to allocate the amount of $495,472 million corresponding to the conversion differences for
fiscal year 2023 in the "Other Comprehensive Income" account to the increase of such Reserve.

y el ultimo punto es tan vergonzoso como lo ocurrido en el Senado de la Nación, sugiero a minoristas votarlo en contra

Item 16. Determination of advance compensation to be received by the members of the Board of Directors
and the members of the Supervisory Committee for the fiscal year that began on January 1, 2024.
The Board of Directors proposes to the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company to approve the payment of advanced
compensation to directors and members of the Supervisory Committee for fiscal year 2024 for up to an amount of
$10,189,823,464. To such effect, the remunerations corresponding to positions to be filled in the Board of Directors
and the respective Committees, special commissions and technical and administrative functions were taken into
account, as well as the inclusion of the CEO’s remuneration and the projections aimed at maintaining the Company’s
market position.

Mensajes: 26
Registrado: Mié Jun 10, 2020 12:57 pm


Mensajepor elmonye » Vie Abr 19, 2024 2:34 pm

De todas maneras creo que Punto 4 es el mas interesante para nosotros:

The Board of Directors proposes to the Shareholders´ Meeting of the Company:

Item 4. Consideration of the accumulated results as of December 31, 2023. Absorption of losses. Constitution
of voluntary reserves.

To place on record that, according to the Company's individual financial statements as of December 31,
2023, the net loss for fiscal year 2023 amounted $1,561,217 million and the accumulated losses
(unallocated results) as of December 31, 2023, amounted $1,003,419 million, which include losses for
fiscal year 2023 of $1,561,217 million, balances restricted for distribution of results of $12,040 million
and translation differences for fiscal year 2023 of $545,758 million. According to the accounting policy
set forth in Section 12.c) of Article 3, Chapter III, Title IV of the CNV rules, translation differences
accumulated for fiscal year 2023 in the account "Other Comprehensive Income" were assigned to each
of the equity items originating such differences, as described in Note 2.b.10.) to the consolidated
financial statements, therefore, it was necessary to appropriate the amount of $3,518,449 million
corresponding to the translation differences for fiscal year 2023 from the account "Other Comprehensive
Income" to the increase in the reserve for future dividends ($142,371 million), the investment reserve
($3,354,050 million) and the reserve for the acquisition of the Company's own shares ($22,028 million).
As of December 31, 2023, the Company's total shareholders' equity is positive and amounts to
$7,221,500 million, and the Company is not subject to the provisions of Article 206 or Article 94
paragraph 5 of the General Corporations Law N°19.550 (“LGS”).

According to item 11 of paragraphs c) and e) of Article 3, Chapter III, Title IV of the CNV rules, it was
informed under a note to the Company's Financial Statements that as of December 31, 2023, there is a
restriction to the distribution of retained earnings for an amount of $56,487 million, which is comprised
of: (i) treasury shares held in portfolio, as long as the treasury shares acquired by the Company are held
in treasury for an amount equivalent to the acquisition cost of treasury shares for an amount of $5,635
million; (ii) share trading premium of the Company's own shares, where the balance of the "Share
Trading Premium" account was negative, for the negative balance of such account of $387 million; and
(iii) the appropriate conversion differences of $50,465 million.

To propose to the Shareholders´ Meeting, after deducting the amounts whose distribution is restricted in
accordance with the above-mentioned paragraph, i.e. the amount of $56,487 million, the following:
To fully release the reserve for future dividends, the reserve for the purchase of own shares, and the
reserve for investments.

To absorb the accumulated losses in the unallocated results, up to $1,003,419 million against the
amounts corresponding to released reserves.
To allocate the amount of $28,745 million to constitute a reserve for the purchase of own shares, in order
to grant the Board of Directors the possibility to purchase the Company’s own shares at the time it deems
appropriate for their allocation to share-based benefit plans (in accordance with articles 64 and 67 of
Documento: YPF-Público
Documento: YPF-Público
Law No. 26,831). Please refer to “Board of Directors Compensation Policy, Bonuses and Incentive
Plans” of our Annual Report.
(iv) To allocate the amount of $3,418,972 million to constitute a reserve for investments in accordance with
the third paragraph of article 70 of the General Corporations Law No. 19,550.

To allocate the amount of $3,418,972 million to constitute a reserve for investments in accordance with
the third paragraph of article 70 of the General Corporations Law No. 19,550.
To inform that, in accordance with the provisions of article 70 of the General Corporations Law N° 19,550,
at least 5% of liquid and realized gains resulting from the fiscal year should be allocated to the Legal reserve
until such reserve reaches 20% of the capital, which was accomplished in fiscal year ended December 31,
2009. Also, pursuant to Section 12.c) of Article 3, Chapter III, Title IV of the CNV rules, it is informed that
due to the accumulated conversion differences associated with the capital stock and capital adjustment, it
was necessary to allocate the amount of $495,472 million corresponding to the conversion differences for
fiscal year 2023 in the "Other Comprehensive Income" account to the increase of such Reserve.

Mensajes: 26
Registrado: Mié Jun 10, 2020 12:57 pm


Mensajepor elmonye » Vie Abr 19, 2024 2:18 pm

Disculpen que no sé bien como pegar el PDF para que sea vea de una. Está el detalle de los temas a tratar en la Asamblea Extraordinaria
(269.7 KiB) Descargado 30 veces

Mensajes: 26
Registrado: Mié Jun 10, 2020 12:57 pm


Mensajepor elmonye » Vie Abr 19, 2024 2:13 pm

(269.7 KiB) Descargado 38 veces

Ralph Nelson
Mensajes: 1286
Registrado: Lun Mar 02, 2020 4:43 pm


Mensajepor Ralph Nelson » Vie Abr 19, 2024 11:46 am

falerito777 escribió: esperemos que rebote desde x aca. la semana q viene es la asamblea. el balance deberia venir bien. x 3 multiplico lo que vende. precios. un gano mercado ademas. lo de las exportaciones es para mas adelante.

Esperemos, ayer llegó al límite (soporte) de un canal que venía formando, si lo perforaba habilitaba una baja más importante. Por ahora defiende la zona. Liquidaron mucho para abajo.Te dieron desde 22 con entusiasmo, espero se les hayan acabado. Coincido que el balance debería ser bueno, y no tanto los resultados como las cantidades, producidas, vendidas (sobre todo el refino), y exportadas. Veremos.
Saludos falerito

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